Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Don’t Call Me A Religious Leader!!!!

I’m reading through the book of Acts with my Bible study peeps.  We’re actually following the life of Peter.  We’ve seen his struggles and we’ve seen his victories as a follower of Jesus Christ. I’m learning many things through this study, but today it is impressed up on me that I do not want to be seen as a religious leader. Let me repeat, I DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN AS A RELIGIOUS LEADER!!!

Yes, I’m a Pastor at a church.  Yes, being a Pastor makes me a leader.  Yes, our church would be considered a religious organization.  But, I don’t want to be associated with being a religious leader.  I do however want to be known as a Follower of Jesus Christ.  I want to be known as a Disciple of Jesus.  The term “religious leader” does not bring up good thoughts in my head, but the term Disciple sure does. 

Before you think I’ve fallen off the deep end, I want to refer you to the book of Acts.  The religious leaders in the book of Acts were jealous (Acts 5:17), they walked in fear (Acts 5:26), they were angry and acted in anger (Acts 5:33), and they used physical violence against God’s people (Acts 5:40).  And, these same religious leaders had also used bribery and persuasion to help crucify Jesus (Matthew 26 – 28).  As a Pastor in a church, I am called to reach, teach and help people in the name of Jesus, NOT act like these religious leaders did.

I should note that the people receiving all these negative actions were the ones that followed Jesus.  Peter and the Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they were doing what God called them to do.  They acted with courage and spoke truth.  They went to God in prayer asking His help and blessings.  They did not live in fear, but yet lived their lives in support of each other and most importantly in support of Jesus.  They gave God the glory for the miracles they were performing.  Now, THIS is how I want to be seen.  I want to be seen as a Spirited filled, courageous, truth-speaking, Follower of Jesus Christ.  I want to bring Him glory and honor and point others to the truth of His love for us.

What about you?  Do you think others around you see you as a religious person, or a Spirit-filled Believer?  If you’re not sure, think about asking those in your sphere of influence what they would say you are.

Lord, thank you for the example set in the Bible by Peter and the other Disciples.  What amazing testimonies they have for You.  Please forgive me for when I have acted “religious” and when I have not been obedient to your Holy Spirit.  Help me to live a life that glorifies you.  In the Precious Name of Jesus – Amen.

For a deeper study on this topic, Read Matthew 26 – 28 and Acts 4 – 6.  Make a list of all the actions and attitudes of the religious leaders and the all the actions and attitudes of the Disciples.  Journal what ways you need to change in order to be more like the Disciples.

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