Monday, March 16, 2015

Getting Back Up

I did it.  I busted my behind right there in the middle of the ski school glass coming off of the "magic carpet" ride that brings you back up the hill.  There wasn't anything magical about that carpet ride for me.  I was upside down with my skis in the air.  As if that wasn't bad enough, they also had to stop the entire magic carpet until some precious soul helped me up.  My whole body hurt, but not as much as my pride.  But I knew what I had to do next.  I had to get back up. 

Getting back up is an important thing to remember after you fall.  I mean really - don't we all fall?  The Bible even says that we all fall short of the glory of God. We've all fallen. We've all had bad seasons in our lives.  But we all need to remember to get back up!

Peter was a beloved follower of Jesus, but Peter denied he knew Jesus not once, not twice, but three times.  Peter fell short on his calling to be a Disciple.   But the story didn't end there.  Jesus showed His infinite supply of grace and mercy and called Peter to "feed His sheep".  Jesus still wanted Peter to follow Him, and more than that, He wanted Peter to serve others.  Peter got back up after he fell.

Peter's story of getting back up after a fall has encouraged me.  You can read it for yourself in John 20 and 21.  Here are a few things that God told me about getting back up through Peter's story:

1.  Look for Jesus after a fall.  (John 20:3)  Peter went to find Jesus once he was told by Mary Magdalene that Jesus was alive.  Jesus will never leave us.  We need to remember to look around and see him.  We can do all things through Christ, including getting back up.

2.  Surround yourself with other Believers after a fall.  (John 20:19)  It's important that we not isolate ourselves from other Believers especially when something bad has happened.  Peter met with other Believers and surely they had to encourage each other. We all need encouragement and support from a loving family, and where better to get that than your church family.

3.  Journal what happens so you can see God's victories and help others see God's victories.  (John 20: 30-31)  Praise God the story of Peter's trials were recorded in the Bible.  We can all learn from the our own falls, as well as the falls of others.  Journaling is good for the healing process, and it helps us to remember to get back up.

4.  Take a step back and get some perspective after a fall.  (John 21)  Peter went fishing.  He did something that he was comfortable doing.  We all need a place where we can go and reflect.  Hind sight is 20/20. 

5.   Feed God's sheep after a fall.  (John 21) Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep.  There's much to be learned in that scripture, but I'm reminded this time of the importance of helping others and loving others.  It's hard to think about yourself when you are focused on loving and serving others.

The day after I fell coming off the magic carpet a little girl approached me.  She said, 'Hey, I remember you.  You're the lady that fell yesterday.  Don't worry about that.  I've been where you are."  At first I wanted to slap that little girl.  But, as I thought about her words I realized she was speaking truth.   WE ALL FALL.  I think she was glad to see that I got back up. 

Lord, forgive us when we fall.  Thanks for your infinite grace and mercy.  Help us to remember you are always with us and you will never leave us.  Thanks for the strength that we have in You.  In the precious name of Jesus - Amen.

What has God taught you through a hard season in your life - a season when you have fallen or God has allowed a hard season to mold you?

How should members of The Church treat those that fall? (How did Jesus treat Peter?

For more in depth study:
  • Look up the following verses and write/say them in your own words: Romans 3:23; Psalm 37:23-24; Proverbs 24:17-18; Romans 14:12-13;  2 Peter 1:10; and, Jude 1:24.
  • Do you have a different view of falling short of God's glory given His Word?
  • List what God is teaching your through these scriptures.

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