Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Numbers 16:2 "They incited a rebellion against Moses"

Have you ever rebelled against something? I have. I've rebelled against my parents when I was young and as an adult. There were things that my parents told me not to do when I was growing up, but I did them anyway. I ended up hurt and my parents ended up disappointed.

I also rebelled against authority one time in my Chevy Camero. It was fun to begin with, and I won the race, but the fine I had to pay after I got a ticket wasn't so fun.

I've also rebelled against God. I've chosen to rationalize situations and follow my own direction, rather than listening to the Holy Spirit. Seemed ok to begin with, but it didn't end up well.

Why do we rebel? What is in us that makes that rebellion show up? Why can't we just listen to the wise people in our lives, or event the Wisest One, and do what is best for us and those around us? There are many reasons we might rebel...pride, jealously, ungratefulness, stubbornness, distrust. Ultimately, we rebel out of our sinful nature. Also, we are enemies with Satan. He doesn't like us because we are children of the King of Kings, the one that has condemned him to the eternal lake of fire. (Isaiah 14:12-16 and Ezekiel 28:11-19). Because of that, Satan is always trying to get us to rebel. He tells us lies. This has gone on since the beginning. You can read the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 and see what happened to them in their rebellion. And there's also Jonah which you can read about in Jonah 3:10-44. He also rebelled. And quite honestly, there's a lot of rebellion stories in the Bible. I'm trying to find out one that ended well for the person that rebelled, but honestly, I can't find one.

Rebellion is knowing but not doing the will of God. It is serious. It exists in every human heart. In numbers 16 we read the story about some men rising up against God's chosen leader, Moses. God had placed Moses in the leadership position, and if you remember correctly, Moses didn't want the position. He was very humble and told God he wasn't the man for the job. The Bible even says that Mose was the most humble person that had ever lived. And even though God placed him in that leadership position, and God had used him to lead the people out of slavery, the people still chose to rise up against Moses.

What do you think about that? What do you think God's position on this rebellion was? Do you think God was offended? Here's His response according to Numbers 16:21, "Get away from these people so that I may instantly destroy them." YIKES!!! You see, rebellion is ultimately against God. Romans 13:1 states that God has established all authorities. If we are rebelling against authority, we are ultimately rebelling against God.

On a side note, what do you think Moses did about the rebellion against him? Well, if you would have asked me before I read the story I would have guessed he became angry with them and launched an attack against them. I mean, since God had chosen him to be the leader, and after all he had been through for the people, and now they are rebelling! Seriously?!?!? I would imagine he would have opened up a can of whooping on them! So, you can imagine how amazed I am when I read Numbers 16:22-49. Moses actually fell on his face in prayer for the people. He begged God not to destroy them and actually had Aaron burn incense to atone for their sins. Amazing. That Moses. He really understood forgiveness and grace and mercy.

So, are there areas of rebellion in your life? Do you rebel against the authority in your life? The government? The police? Your Pastor? Your husband? Your parents? God wants what is best for His children. He sets up rules for us not because He wants to deny us joy, but because He wants to give us joy. Doesn't every good parent do the same?

I'm so grateful to God that he forgives me for my rebellion and that He is molding me to be more submissive each day. What an amazing God we have!!! Praise you Jesus!

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