Monday, July 27, 2009

Knowing When to Say Something: Romans 13 & 14

I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in South Mississippi. I love that church. It was instrumental in me coming to know Jesus as my Savior. As a matter of fact, I visit that church each time I'm back in my hometown of Petal. (I should now give a shout out to all my Petal Harvey Baptist friends! Praise God for you!) Each week I knew what to expect at church. There would be announcements of upcoming events. Then there would be a couple of hymns with the organ played in the background, and there would be one special music piece, usually a solo. And finally, the Pastor would deliver his message for the week. I enjoyed church and felt like it honored the Lord so much.

One time I went to South Louisiana with my grandmother to visit my aunt for the weekend. While we were there, we went to church at my aunt's church. It wasn't a Baptist church, and honestly I can't remember what denomination it was. I just remember getting there and seeing tambourines in the pews and an electric guitar on stage where I expected the preacher to be. I was freaked out to say the least. Surely these people weren't going to play that guitar in church and surely they didn't expect me to use that tambourine!!! If so, I was certain we would all be struck with lightening!!! Church wasn't supposed to be like that! Well, they did play that guitar and some people did pick up those tambourines during the music. And you know what, we didn't get struck with lightening!!!!

As I've grown in my relationship with the Lord I've realized that Christians all over the United States and all over the world worship differently. Some have very structured services and some have very free services. I've also come to believe that God likes them all as long as they are worshiping Him! In Romans 14 it talks about accepting differences between Christians. I love this chapter. To me God is saying, "Quit judging your Christian brothers and sisters. Be kind to them and do not offend them. Don't expect them to dress, eat, worship, or anything like you do. What I tell you to do and not to do might be different from what I tell them to do and not to do." Now, there's a time to step out in faith and tell a Christian brother or sister when they are living outside the law. But that's not what these verses are talking about. These verses are talking about the "grey" areas. For example, I have some dear friends that were raised Catholic. Each year prior to Easter they give up something for Lent. Now, the Lord hasn't told me I need to do that. However, I honor my friends for their commitment to continue doing that in worship of the Lord. And, they don't look down on me for not giving up something for Lent. You see, it's a personal decision based on what the Holy Spirit is telling you. So, when in doubt on how you should live..... ask God!

Now, Romans 13 is a little different. One thing we are all commanded to do is submit ourselves to the governing authorities as it says in 13:1. It goes on to say all leaders have been put in place by God. So, with that in mind should we be silent when they are doing something we don't agree with? I don't think so. I think this is a time to speak up. And when we speak up, we need to do it with love so that they will see Jesus in us, but we need to speak up. We can be praying for those leaders and supporting them while also voicing our opinions. As a matter of fact, when I see a leader that is not doing what I feel is correct I pray for him more!

So, there are times as Christians when we need to honor others that are different and not offend them or cause them to stumble, and there are times as Christians that we need to stand up and voice our opinions. It's up to us individually to seek the Holy Spirit's direction and then follow Him and not man.

By the way, that precious Petal Harvey Baptist church I was telling you about earlier....well, the last time I was there visiting they had a guitar being played alongside the organ. And they didn't get struck by lightening. :-)

What is Romans 13 and 14 saying to you?

Post your comments or email them to me at and I'll post them for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!