Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Poured Out

I would never walk up to someone and dump out my entire savings on their heads, but that's exactly what the woman mentioned in Matthew 26 did.  She poured an alabaster jar full of precious perfume on top of Jesus' head.  Historians disagree on the exact value of that perfume, but all agree it was worth a great deal.  Given that women during that day and time could not own land or other possession, this perfume was likely her life savings.  She dumped it out - all out - on Jesus' head.

If I would have been standing there beside the Disciples I would likely have done the exact same thing they did.  I would have become angry. Why would she waste so much of her money?  I mean, couldn't she have saved that to use for feeding the poor or maybe even feeding herself in the future?!?!  What was she thinking? Jesus responds differently. Jesus not only approves of what she did, but He also scolds the Disciples for their response.

Jesus was never concerned with assets more than individuals.  Jesus understood her act to be that of worship.  He knew her heart.  Her heart was not to deprive herself or anyone else of anything, but to worship her Savior. We don't know her background, but maybe she had heard Jesus say to leave everything and follow Him.  Maybe she heard Jesus say that if God provides for the little birds of the sky then how much more will He provide for His children. Maybe she simply believed those words. Maybe her faith was so great in her Savior that she fully trusted Him with providing for her every need. And maybe, just maybe, she was focused on on a lifestyle of worshiping Him rather than her own lifestyle.

We all have lots of assets.  Some of us are financially blessed, while others of us are blessed in other ways. Some of my friends are rich in humor.  Some other friends are rich in hospitality.  Others are rich with the gifts of teaching. We are all rich in different ways.  We've all been given much.  I remember reading, "To whom is given much, much is expected".  I'm thinking we need to pour out our assets for Jesus.  Think about what that would look like.  What if we all poured out our assets each day for Him?  What would that tell the world about where our faith lies?  What if we gave God everything we had and fully trusted Him to take care of our needs?

Now, I want you to know I am not making a withdrawal from my retirement funds today because I don't feel like Jesus is asking that of me.  (Plus, my retired Investment Banker momma would have my hide if you know what I mean.)  But, let me tell you what I am learning to do.  I'm asking Jesus each day what He wants me to do with what I've been given.  I have so much.  Need a Bible?  Well I've got many at home so I could just give you one.  Need someone to teach you about scripture. Well, He has given me the ability to teach.  Need a place to hang out and laugh, well I have the gift of hospitality and the joy of the Lord is my strength.  I want to pour out all my assets for Him.  I would even pour out my retirement funds if He asked, but don't tell my mom I said so.  I want to be more like this woman in Matthew, and not like the Disciples which is the more comfortable place to be.

What about you?  What are your gifts? What has God given you that you could pour out as an act of worship?

Lord, you are an amazing God.  You loved us so much that you didn't even hold back on giving your own Son for us.  What an amazing offering you've made on our behalf.  Thank you for loving us. Thank you for grace and mercy.  I want to live for You because You died for me.  Help that to be so in my life. In His precious Name ~ Amen.

For a deeper study:
  • Read Matthew 26: 6 - 13 and make notes of what God teaches you through this passage.
  • Read Romans 12: 1 - 13.  What gifts has God given you?  How could you pour out these gifts for Him?
  • Read Matthew 25: 31-46.  Do you see Jesus in the faces of the least of these or not?  If not, what doe you see in the faces instead?  If you do, what has He taught you about Himself through their stories?

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