Jesus amazes me with how He loved others when He walked the face of this earth. Take the story of The Woman at the Well. This woman had a mess of a life, or so it seems. She had been married 5 times and was currently living with a 6th man. Even by today's standards that seems a little harsh. And, she was a Samaritan. Jews didn't hang out with Samaritans, and Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was breaking all kinds of social rules on this one, but He didn't seem to care. It seems to me He was more concerned with her heart. I mean, after all she was a creature He had created. She was his daughter. He loved her. He was indeed more concerned about her future than her past. He wanted her to know of the Living Water that would quench her thirst forever.
But, those darned disciples - they weren't so grace giving. They wondered why in the world Jesus was talking to this shady woman. I think Jesus must have shook His head at them and their inability to love others that were different.
I'm so glad Jesus loves each of us regardless of our past struggles. Honestly, I'd be in big trouble if He didn't. If we're talking about our heritage, I'd have to say I'm a Gentile and not Jewish. And, I've been married more than once. (Twice for those that are counting if you really need to know.) My story more closely matches that of the Woman at the Well than it does Jesus' disciples, except for the part of the disciples not being so grace giving. I've been not so grace giving myself. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. But I know one thing. Jesus loves me in spite of me! Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Which people do you love? Right now, think about those you showed God's love to this week. Did they look different than you? Do they have a shady past? Or, do those people look just like you? Are you inclusive or exclusive on who you chose to love?
In the story of The Woman at the Well, Jesus tells His disciples to "Wake up and look around!". I think that some good advise for all of us. Wake up and look around! You will find someone that needs to feel and hear about the unconditional love of Jesus. They might be different than you, but Jesus is OK with different. You should be, too.
Lord, forgive me when I've missed opportunities to love others in Your Name. Thank you for loving me in spite of me. Thank you that Your Blood covers ALL sins. We are a world in need of a Savior and of Your Grace and Mercy. Help us, Lord. ~ Amen
If you want to dig deeper in this study:
- Read John 4: 1-43. List what God tells you from this passage.
- Read Mark 2: 16 - 17. Who was Jesus hanging out with in this passage? Why did He hang out with these people? Do you ever hang out with those that don't know or understand the love of Jesus?
- Read Matthew 11: 28-30. Who is told to come?
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