Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Changed Life and Encouraging Each Other - Romans 1 & 2

It's hard to think about the book of Romans without thinking about Paul, the author. What an amazing testimony he had! Acts 9 tells us he was on his way to Damascus to kill followers of Christ when a bright light appeared and he heard a voice saying, "Why do you persecute me?". It was Jesus speaking to him. That moment changed Paul's life and purpose forever.

Paul's original mission was based on his life's education, what he'd learned from his father, a Pharisee of the tribe of Benjamin, and from a Jewish rabbi he studied under. He wasn't just an average, uneducated man. He was a Roman citizen, and a very educated Jew. He was confident in what he had been taught by man. He was taught to follow God's law. But then, he meets Jesus. Not just Jesus, but the resurrected Jesus. Three years later we find Paul headed back to Damascus, but this time to preach the Gospel as a follower of Christ!

What a change!! From killing Christians to preaching the gospel! Most of us, well, hopefully everyone reading this, are not Christian killers. But I hope all of us have had a change in our lives after meeting Jesus. And not just a change, but a redirection. Is your life different with Jesus?

As we begin reading Romans, we see Paul has given us so much information. There are so many things we could address, but I think for me God is saying, "Let's do a heart check." I read Romans 1:17, and wondered - am I really living by faith? I read Romans 2:8 and thought about my heart. Are my actions self seeking or truth seeking? And then there's Romans 2:28-29. Do I try to follow God's law because that's what you're suppose to do, or because my heart is being circumcised(changed) by the Holy Spirit?

What about you? What do you think the Lord is saying to you in Romans 1 & 2? Please click on the comment box below and sign in to post your comment, or email me your comment ( and I'll post it for you. I want to hear from you. Romans 1:12 "I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other."


Wyn said...

You are such an inspiration! As the scripture instructs us...we are to be encouragers and that is just what you are! My prayer daily is that I will encourage others to live a life more like Jesus! Thank you!

mdbarajaz said...

In chapter 1 the thing that amazes me is how Paul seems to be describing the world today with the sins people justify and all the arguments we see against Christianity, especially in v18-32. He says the power of God is so evident, 'men are without excuse' but then goes on to describe how the world denies Him and God goes ahead and 'gives us over' to those sins (scary).
Then in chapter 2 he throws it right back on us as Christians, and doesn't sugar coat it, either. Every time we judge someone, try to justify our un-christian actions, or don't obey God with a circumcised heart, we lead them astray. "You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written, God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." (v. 23-24). How many times have I heard people reject Christianity because of what they see of the sins of high profile (and low profile!) Christians? Convicting.......

Anonymous said...

Just a thought about Romans 1:17. That verse says through the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. I wonder if the process of faith to faith looks something like this. We initially place our trust, faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior and then be begin to experience His resurrection power (see verse 16) in our lives. Every time we act on that faith (which in essence is to place faith again) we experience anew that resurrection power and thus, we continually reinforce our foundation of faith. For instance, I trust Jesus initially and He graces me with enough faith to have victory over sin #1, which then gives me faith to forgive, which then gives me power to live above my circumstances and rest in His peace, which gives me strength to withstand a storm in life, which produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit that overcomes nagging sin #2, which firmly roots my faith so that I can.... See what I mean - faith to faith.
The rest of the verse says "But the righteous man shall live by faith." That in itself is my prayer, that I might live faith to faith - live by faith.

Stephanie Blakeslee said...

Wyn, thanks for your sweet words! You are a blessings to me.

Michelle, isn't it cool that we can be in bible study again together? I agree that we certainly want to be careful in judging others. Everytime I point my finger at someone else, there are 3 pointing back at me! I got too many issues to be pointing my finger at anyone. Praise God for grace and mercy!

Martha, faith to faith. You are so right. I love you my mentor.

Cheryl said...

Romans is a very intense description of how God wants his people to live their lives; his unconditional love for us eternally. His plan for his people has been revealed, and we are without excuse.
I am so proud of you, Stephanie, of your walk with the Lord and how much your ministry reaches out.
Love you much,

Unknown said...

When I think about Paul and Romans, I am reminded to pray for those that are causing me or my loved ones difficulty, pain, and/or sorrow. If God could change Paul from a killer of those that followed Jesus to a man that leads people to Jesus, I know God can change anyone's heart.

Stephanie Blakeslee said...

Hey, Steph. Here's some thoughts:

While I can appreciate the summary of mankind that Romans 1 and 2 speaks of, the verse that stood out to me this week was 2:4.

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindess leads you toward repentance?"

So what leads people to repentance? I've noticed that I cannot convince anyone with my words to repent. But I have seen the work of God and know that only He can change a heart toward repentance. While I am a task-oriented person, I have a tendency to think God's job is my job. I've learned the hard way that God doesn't need my help but will use me if I am an open vessel.

The words that stand out to me are kindness, tolerance, and patience. We may see obvious sin in friends, but is it our job to point it out to them? Most likely, they already know that something is not right. My calling is to show them love while God works in them. I didn't come to repent by someone beating me over the head with a Bible. I came to repentance because people loved me and waited patiently for God to do His work in me in His time. In the world we live in, we are drawn to love. In a world where it takes 5 aggressive minutes to cross 281 and 1604 we crave kindness and patience. In which of our friends do we find it in? Are we the friend people crave?

Closer to home I find myself wanting to be the person my family craves. I want so much for my hubby and kids that I want to will knowledge, blessings and peace over them. Unfortunately, I try too hard to control that and it drives them away from me. My hubby has been the best example for me in drawing people towards him (and Him). He is full of the kindness, tolerance, and patience that Romans 2 speaks of. My kids and others are drawn to him because he provides a safe haven where they can grow and learn in their own time. He never forces anything on anyone. And God has a chance to demonstrate His love through that. God has a chance to draw people towards him.

I want to realize God's kindness. I want to be used by God to draw people towards Him. God, cleanse me and use me.
