Monday, June 29, 2009

Slavery That Sets You Free: Romans 5 & 6

This week on the news I saw where a high school football coach was honored after his passing. Apparently, he had made a huge impact on his community and the players he coached. Each person interviewed talked about how he set the example of a Christian man. Some talked about how his coaching had made them a better person as well as a better player. Some remembered when their town was hit by a bad tornado and he came to assist many of the people as if they were his family. This one man impacted the lives of many.

Romans 5 discusses how sin entered the world through one man. One bad decision and no more Garden of Eden. One bad decision and death becomes a reality. It’s hard to think of Adam and not think of original sin. And as much as I’d like to tell Adam and Eve a thing or two for taking away Eden, I can’t say that the outcome would have been different if I was the person in the garden. I’ve made a lot of bad choices, some which affected many people. Some of those bad decisions I made as a Christian.

We all influence others. We all have the ability to impact the lives of others with our choices in life. We moms have a huge opportunity to impact our children. I’ve been told that the tone of the house is set by the mom. I’m sure you’ve heard, “if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy”. Well, I’ve got to say that can be true at times. At least it is in my house! It’s a scary thought that my actions and my choices might have a negative impact on my children, but it’s a thought I don’t want to forget because it challenges me to think, pray, and seek God’s help.

Romans 6 says we should become a “slave” to righteousness. A slave is defined as a person that is the property of and wholly subject to another. The word “slave” makes me think of this being a chore....putting someone else’s desires ahead of my own desires..something that takes work. Sometimes being a slave to righteousness is a chore. Sometimes I’d rather scream at the person that has offended me rather than be nice to them and love them. Sometimes I’d rather hit someone over the head with a bible rather than be patience with them. Sometimes I’d rather skip out on my responsibilities and my commitments. It goes back to our choices, and the impact of those choices. I like the question asked in Romans 6:21. “What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of?” I feel much better when I make the right choice through my slavery to righteousness!!

But don’t you just love how chapter 6 ends…22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thank you Jesus for grace and mercy, and thank you most of all for your gift of eternal life through Jesus!!

What does Romans 5 and 6 say to you? Please post your comments or email them to me and I'll post them for you.
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Anonymous said...

I’ve never been very good in math. I struggle with numbers; New Math or Old Math, I struggle. I am awful at estimating how many objects or people are in a group. Some people just get numbers; I am not one of those people. However, Romans 5:15 is my kind of math. The first part of the equation is that by the transgression of one man, Adam, many died. The second part of the equation is the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many. I really get this math; in fact I live this math. By the fall of man, the whole world is affected, and death enters into our physical and spiritual lives. One man + one mistake = many deaths. For all who trust in the death of one Man, Jesus Christ, grace abounds and life is restored for eternity. One death + one Man = abounding, teaming, overflowing grace for all time and beyond. Enough grace to go around. Enough grace to cover all transgression. Enough grace for life. Enough = Enough. My kind of math.

Stephanie Blakeslee said...

I like your math Martha!!

Stephanie Blakeslee said...

From my friend Martha by email:

I am struck by the first verse, 5:1 - where we are "at peace with God". In our world, where there doesn't seem to be much peace personally or globally, peace with God has eternal ramifications.

I also like what my commentary says about reconciled to God. "God is the one who is active in reconciliation and men are said to be reconciled, i.e., they are acted upon by God. They are recipients of a relationship of peace and harmony brought about by God." I am so thankful that we can be at peace with God.

Martha Hefling

Stephanie Blakeslee said...

Comments from my sweet Mom, Cheryl Mims:

Hi Sweetie,
I marvel each time I read your blog and wonder how I raised such a Christian child thinking of how we all influence others and have the ability to impact, whether positive or negative, the lives of our children and others. What a challenge, especially in today's world, when it seems that those that are being upheld and worshipped in the news media have been the very abomination of sin to the world. How I pray for my Children! When I see what has happened in our financial crisis, economy, more bail out money, greed, government takeovers, and the moral decay of our society, it is quite overwhelming no doubt. I suppose we all let sin to some extent control our lives rather than living with the freedom of God's grace, but praise the Lord for the "Equation" spoken by one of your Pastors on your Blog! Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one person obeyed God, many became Christians. Here's the challenge…..fight the fight each day and stand up for what is right!! I love the book "A Case for Faith", following a non-believer's journey to many professionals in science, etc. to disprove our Lord and finally came to be a Christian!!! Awesome!! Faith brings joy and sin's power is broken.

Love you lots….Thanks for reminding me how much I have to be thankful for!!!