Thursday, March 10, 2016

He Sees You

God sees. And, not only does He see, but He sees EVERYTHING! He knows when we are sleeping. He knows when we are awake. He knows when we've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! I know that sounds very close to a Christmas song for Santa Claus, but I do think that is how some of us view God's eyesight. I bet some of you view God the way I used to view God. I lived part of my Christian life thinking that God was sitting on His throne watching over us with His hand on the lightning bolt button ready to strike us when we get out of line. Boy was I wrong! That is NOT what the Bible teaches us about El Roi, The God Who Sees!!!

We can learn a lot about how God sees us from how Jesus lived. As I read God's Word I'm amazed at how Jesus, God With Us, saw things so very differently than the humans that walked right beside Him. For example, in Luke 19 we read of the story of Zacchaeus.  Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector which meant he had lots of money and a bad reputation in the community. Yet, when Jesus came to his town He saw Zacchaeus and wanted to spend time with him. Why? Because Jesus didn't see a sinner. He saw the heart of the man and what he would be when he started following God's plan. Jesus looked upon Zacchaeus with the eyes of a loving Father.

Now let's think about the story in John 8 where a woman, caught in the act of adultery, was taken to Jesus. She apparently saw herself as guilty because she not once tried to explain her actions or take up for herself. She sat in silence waiting for her punishment. The religious leaders, well, they saw things differently, too. These guys (bless their hearts) didn't even know the woman's name because they weren't really concerned with her. They were simply trying to trap Jesus. Their eyesight of the situation was based on anger, judgement, fear, and arrogance. But, Jesus saw everyone in this scene differently. He loved the woman brought to Him. It was His daughter and He stood ready to forgive her. He didn't see in her what they saw in her.  He saw a wonderfully and fearfully made woman. He knew her name was written on the palm of His hands. And, amazingly enough, He even saw the religious leaders differently and that is evidenced by how He responded to them. He,with all power and authority in the world, could have zapped those religious leaders with a lightning bolt. But, He did not. He even showed them grace in the situation.

When God looks at us He is not looking at us with condemnation. He is looking at us in love. We are His children and no matter what we do to try to mess things up, He loves us. He wants ALL of us to love Him back and have a relationship with Him. He is forgiving and gracious to us.

No matter what your past looks like, you can sleep easy tonight knowing that when your Father looks at you, He looks at you through the eyes of love. He looks at you like a momma looks at her newborn baby in a crib. Yes, that baby might have cried and made some poopy diapers, but that momma loves her baby with an unconditional love.

I challenge you today to read Luke 18: 1-20 and also John 8: 1-11 and truly think about how God saw the situation and the people involved. I think you might see a little clearer if you do.

Lord - forgive me when I have not seen myself and others as You see us. We are Your people. You have created us and You love us with an everlasting love. I want to see myself and the world through Your eyes. Help me to do so in the name of Jesus. ~ Amen.

For a deeper study read the following verses and journal/discuss with others what God says to you:

  • Psalm 139: 1 -16
  • Isaiah 49: 15 - 16
  • Ephesians 3: 18 - 91

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