Romans 10:13-15 says, "For Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”"
Here's is what I learn from this little bit of scripture:
1. Everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved.
2. Not everyone in our world knows about Jesus.
3. Christians need to go into the world, and not just stay in church, to tell others about the precious name of Jesus.
4. The Bible tells us that we are being sent into the world.
5. I will have pretty feet if I take the Good News to those that need to hear it.
I love studying God's Word with others, but I can't just sit around and not share that outside the walls of the church! I'm going to a homeless shelter today to link arms with other women for two reasons: 1) I want them to know the amazing life you can live when you follow Jesus. And 2) I want pretty feet!
Are your feet pretty? Well maybe you need a spiritual pedicure. Maybe you need to share the love of Jesus with others today. Here are my suggestions:
1. Go to a nursing home and love on the people there by telling them what Jesus has done in your life.
2. Surprise someone at Starbucks and pay for their coffee while telling them you are doing it because God loves them and you want them to know.
3. Take a casserole to your neighbor and tell them it's just because God loves them and you wanted to bless them. (This works well if you are my neighbor!!)
4. Tell a single mom you know that you will keep her kids for one hour while she does whatever she wants to do because Jesus loves her and you want her to know it.
5. Go to a homeless shelter and LISTEN to the stories of those you meet. Ask them how you can pray for them. It will be the best hour of your week!
Stop reading this blog. Go out and share Jesus with someone. Oh, and then come back here next week to rejoin us as we study the names of God.
Jesus - You are an amazing and mighty God. I'm thankful that you died for our sins. That's incredible. That was one amazing sacrifice! Help me to sacrifice some of my time each week to share Your love with others. You didn't stay inside the church all the time when You walked on Earth, and neither should I. In Jesus' Name I pray - Amen.
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