Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Out with the Stinky

This may are may not be a made up story.  You decide.

There was a precious pre-teen boy preparing to go back to school after his two week long Christmas break. He generally takes care of getting ready to go to school by himself, but since he had been out of the swing of things a couple of weeks his sweet momma thought it best if she asked him a few questions to make sure he was indeed ready. One of the questions was, "Do you have your gym bag ready?" His response, "Well, the clothes I have in my gym bag were only worn 2 days the week we got out for Christmas break so they are still good."  Bless this child.

My guess - not that I'm a clothing smell expert - is that these gym clothes were stinky and it would simply take work to make them smell good again. It was much easier to just go with the stinky gym clothes than to spend time and effort in washing them. And while you may giggle at what this precious young boy did, don't we as adults do the same thing?

Have you ever just put up with the stinky stuff in your life because you didn't want to put forth the time and effort to make the stinky stuff smell nice? I have to admit there's been several times in my life that I've been stubborn and lazy. I'm older now and hind sight is indeed 20/20. I realize that putting time and effort into something pays off.

  • Got a relationship that's stinky? Put some time and effort into it. Pray for that relationship. Ask Jesus to bless that relationship. Think of kind things you can do for the other person in the relationship.
  • Got a bad habit that needs to be addressed? Put some time and effort into it. Ask God to help you with the habit. After all, we can do all things through Christ. Get an accountability partner. Join a support group.
  • Got a skill that needs to be improved? Put some time and effort into it. Get a mentor. Ask for God's help. Practice.

I want to end 2016 less stinky stuff in my life.  I want to get rid of the old and bring in the glorious smelling new stuff that God has in mind for me. It's going to take some work on my behalf, but oh the blessings that await me! I can't wait!

Lord, search my heart and thoughts and show me what I need to change. I know you love me in spite of my stinky stuff, but I know you want what is best for me. Help me to shine for you and bring glory and honor to your name. It's in the precious name of Jesus I pray ~ AMEN.

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