It truly is that simple. This giving thing is where it's at. Oh yeah, we all want that special gift under the tree on Christmas, but how many of us can remember all the gifts we've unwrapped Christmas morning? I can't remember them all. I'd have to really think about it to tell you what I got just last year. However, forever etched in my mind is the memory of watching others give to others this week in the name of Jesus. I will never forget what I've seen. Unconditional love. Sacrifice. Concern. All of these on display while the gift givers were pointing to Jesus our Savior.
What are your plans for Christmas? How will you and your family celebrate?
I'm going to celebrate the Biggest Gift ever given by giving. And I'm going to celebrate every day this month!! It's going to cost me something - maybe time, money or other resources - but selfishly I'm looking forward to the faces that might just get a glimpse of Jesus. Selfishly I'm looking forward to the amazing memories and the adventure of it all.
Happy birthday, Jesus. I'm so glad you came to save us. Help me to get over me this Christmas season and look for ways to point others to you. What a gift you have for us all. I want to share that gift with others. You are the reason for the season and I thank you! ~ Amen.
For a deeper study:
- Read Matthew 1, Luke 1 & 2, and John 1. Discuss or journal what God tells you about the Christmas story.
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