Jesus told His disciples to "wake up and look around". They had missed an opportunity.
Jesus had just finished ministering to a woman. She was not any woman, but an outcast woman that was a Samaritan. The disciples were actually quite taken back that Jesus would even be talking to this woman. The Bible says they were "shocked". I mean after all, she was a woman and men didn't approach women, much less shady women. She was also an outcast, so what was a rabbi doing talking to an outcast? And to top it off, she was a Samaritan. Jewish people did not hang out with Samaritan people.
The disciples were confused,but Jesus was not. Jesus saw a hurting woman and He wanted to help her. Jesus knew of her past, and He wanted her to be sure of her future. Jesus loved her in spite of her. Jesus wasn't concerned what others would think. He was trying to get the disciples to understand, while all they could do was to think about getting some lunch. Bless them. I have to imagine when he said "wake up and look around" it was more like "WAKE UP AND LOOK AROUND!!!!!"
Do you need to wake up and look around? Is there someone that you are missing that God has intentionally put into your life, but yet you're so focused on going to lunch that you walk right by her every day? Maybe we should all be more concerned with what is around us verses what we are going to put in our belly each day. I know I should. Jesus said His nourishment came from doing the will of His Father.
Today I'm looking around for "the one" that needs me. Where is she? What if I'm the only Jesus example she ever sees? I take responsibility for her today even though I don't know who she is. I'm going to name her Grace until I know her real name.
Where are you, Grace? I'm looking for you!
Lord, help me to see others. Help me to wake up and look around every day of my life from here on out. I don't want to miss an opportunity to share the unconditional love of Jesus with anyone! Open my eyes, Lord. I'll give you the glory and honor for all who come to know you in my efforts. In the precious name of Jesus ~ Amen.
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For a more in depth study:
- Read John 4: 1 - 42
- Journal or discuss with other how Jesus' actions and words were different from the words of the others in the story.
- Would you have acted any differently than the disciples?
- How can we keep our eyes wide open looking for Grace?
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