Jesus called His people to serve others. He actually said the greatest among our people would be those that served others. Although we are not saved by our works, I believe we are saved for works. God's plan to reach the unsaved world was His people. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us to guide us so we could reach, teach and help others in the name of Jesus. The Church is The Plan, and there is no Plan B. And, while I am confident we should be meeting together as Christians to encourage one another, it has also become quite apparent to me that just meeting together as Christians isn't the half of what we should be doing. We've been SENT. We've been sent into a world that needs to know about His Love. We've been sent into a world that needs hope. We've been sent to free those held captive by addictions. We've been sent to be His Hands and Feet. We haven't just been sent to church to become better church people. Yes, we should become better people as we grow and mature - people less focused on our own personal needs and more focused on the needs of others. I think we have room for improvement here. Well, at least I know I do.
- Have you done something recently to reach, teach or help people in the name of Jesus?
- What can we do to spar each other on into becoming great servants in this world?
Jesus, thank you for grace and mercy. Forgive me when I haven't served others that you've put in front of me. I want to be your hands and feet. Help me to keep my eyes open for the opportunities you put before me. To You be all the Glory! - Amen
For a deeper study:
Read Isaiah 58. Make a list of what God indicates is important to Him in this passage.
Read Matthew 25: 31-46. Make a list of what God indicates is important to Him in this passage.
1 comment:
"We've been SENT." I love this post so much. To answer one of your questions, I have noticed that being with other Christians is uplifting and motivating (kind of like the pep rally), but it does not end there. I have since opened a bible study to those in my area that are actually NOT a part of my church sisterhood. The reason I did this was because so many other people need to hear about Jesus and the good news. No one is being saved when I'm hanging out with the already saved. I hope that made sense. Your blog inspires me. Thank you for writing.
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