Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So, What's Their Problem?????!!!?

I get so upset sometimes at my husband. Sometimes he forgets to pick up his shoes in the living room. Can you believe that? You know what else really hacks me off? When I go to church and they don't play the music I like to hear, well, that really stinks! All the songs should be upbeat in my opinion! And why haven't they asked my opinion?????!!!?! And another thing, I'm so sick of hearing another preacher instead of our typical Pastor. Who in the world gave our Pastor the weekend off recently?!!??!

You know what their problem is? Do you know what my husband, my church Music Minister, and my Pastor are doing wrong? NOTHING!!!! They aren't doing anything wrong! It's ME who has a critical attitude. They are just living and trying to walk in the Spirit. I'm being critical and sinning!

I was reading Numbers 12 today. The people there started criticizing Moses, God's chosen leader! Moses helped get these people out of slavery and helped take care of them, but yet they chose to criticize him. The Bible even states in Numbers 12:3 that "Moses was more humble than any other person on earth.", and yet they decided to criticize him. And what do you think God's response to that was? Well, it's wasn't pretty I can tell you for sure. Numbers 12:9 says "The Lord was furious with them".

YIKES! I don't want the Lord to be furious with me. I think I might better change my ways!!

What is criticism? Well, criticism is to dwell on the perceived faults of another person with no aim to their good. Criticism is a SIN! It ruins our fellowship with God and it poisons our relationship with others. It is wrong and petty.

But why do we criticize? Sometimes it's because of unforgiveness, or maybe envy, or maybe even personal failure. Whatever the reason, it's self-exalting and NOT God-exalting.

So, are you a critical person? Are you encouraging someone today, or just putting others down? What would God say about your attitude today?

If you're like me and need some verses to help you get away from a critical attitude. Check out these verses:

  • Proverbs 3:7 "Do not be wise in your own eyes"
  • Philippians 4:8 "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything be excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things"
And by the way, my husband never leaves his shoes in the living room. And, I love the music at my church and hearing from all our Pastors. I do criticize sometimes, but not about these things.

If this information peaks your interest, be sure to read "Lord, Change My Attitude" by James MacDonald!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stephanie, I really enjoy reading your posts. They are SO uplifting and encouraging. Thanks and may God continue to bless you so that you may reach many more hearts!