- a devout petition to God or an object of worship
- a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession
- the act or practice of praying to God
- a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying (The Lord's Prayer)
- a petition
So what are the reasons we pray? Well the main reason we should pray is because Jesus prayed. If He is our example for living, then we have no excuse not to pray. Luke 6:12 tells about Jesus spending the entire night praying. Luke 18:1 said he told a parable to show us we should always pray. The Bible is clear that Jesus thought it was important to pray.
We also pray to deepen our relationship with God. Psalms 145:18 says that God is near to all that call on Him. I sure want God near to me! When I met my husband I didn't immediately love him. I liked him a lot, but didn't grow to love him and trust him until I got to know him better. The more I get to know Jesus through prayer and through reading His Word, the more I trust Him and the more I love Him!
It's hard to think of November without thinking about Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is another reason to pray. We have so much to be thankful for! And if you're looking for a good prayer for Thanksgiving, check out some of the things David wrote in the Psalms!
What about for healing? I bet a lot of people reading this have prayed for either their own healing or the healing of a close friend or family member. God is indeed in the healing business! Jesus said in Mark 9:28-29 that some demons couldn't be driven out except by prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says God will "heal their land" of those that seek him and pray. He is the Great Physician!
Want a good road map of what direction to go in times of trouble? Why not try praying? James 5:13-16 Says if you are in trouble, you should pray!
Need more peace and less worrying in your life? Pray. Philippians 4:6 says to pray about everything and you will receive God's peace.
Last on my list of why we should pray, but certainly not least, is we should pray because others need us to pray for them! 1 Timothy 2:14 says we should be intercessors for others and this pleases God! I want to be a God pleaser for sure! And, how can we not pray for those around us. I know as a mom I'm always praying for my family, and the families of those I love!
So what reasons do you pray? What evidence do you have that God does indeed hear prayers? Please post your comments to the blog or email them to me and I'll post them. stephieb@swbell.net
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Stephanie, You've been sent the following article by Cheryl Mims (cheryl.mims@bxs.com). To check out this and other weekly columns, be sure to visit www.newlivingtranslation.com. --------------------------
Growing a Prayer Life
New technology amazes us, even though we may not be able to afford all the latest gadgets. The forefront of technology has a lot to do with communication. Cell phone developments and the use of G.P.S. and other satellite capabilities have created a world in which we are almost never out of touch. You may be browsing this website at a wi-fi café that would astonish your grandparents. You can't imagine living in a world without instant communication.
Yet all these modern advances have lessons to teach us. Take the theological mysteries of prayer, for example. How many of us have wondered about God's ability to give attention to the simultaneous prayers of millions of people around the globe. Yet communications satellites are regularly handling hundreds of thousands of cell conversations at the same time. The analogy isn't perfect, but it helps us appreciate God's much greater divine capacity and uniqueness.
More and more vehicles come equipped with an emergency call button. Press it and an operator is instantly available to answer questions, offer directions, and relay emergency calls. In certain emergencies, such as an airbag deployment, the system automatically signals a distress call and supplies your location to emergency personnel. It turns out that the satellite global positioning software has been tracking your every movement.
For anyone who has ever wondered if we are ever out-of-touch or out-of-mind when it comes to God, our own primitive technology points to the answer. It may be amazing, but God knows where we are, what we're up to, and what we need.
Prayer-simply talking with God-becomes a spiritual "emergency call button" that we are able to press at any moment to access our heavenly Father, knowing that he has been tracking us continuously. He loves you, and wants to hear from you. He is always available. Tell God your thoughts and concerns; praise him for who he is; thank him for his answers.
Prayer also involves listening-to hear God's still small voice. This is not an audible voice, but an impression in our heart or mind, a particular verse in the Bible that really hits home. As we develop our relationship with God, we become more and more comfortable with these quiet "interruptions" of God's counsel, direction, and help, even when we haven't asked for it.
That magic blue button on automobiles comes with a fee; the privilege of prayer comes free with our relationship to God. The ancient songwriter David may have known nothing about the G.P.S., but his words echo the truth that God is ever with us, ready to hear our prayers:
"O LORD, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I'm far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, LORD.z
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me."
(Psalm 139:1-11)
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