Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Anointing: Established and Empowered

Today begins the weekly blog that I'll be doing along with the study on David called "Anointed, Transformed, and Redeemed" by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur. For those of you in San Antonio, our bible study group meets on Tuesdays at Community Bible Church. Let me know if you're interested. For those of you outside of San Antonio, I pray the information posted will make you want to do this complete study or at least bless you in some way.

Priscilla Shirer began the study yesterday with a session on being anointed. Wow! She's a powerful speaker. Here are the notes I took from her session with a little person interjection:

1. First Chronicles 14:2 tells us that David knew two things: He knew WHOSE he was and he knew WHO he was. The Lord had made him king. God is the source of everything in our lives! We all need to remember that as Christians, we've got a grand Daddy in heaven. Not just any Daddy, but the one that created the heavens and the earth. Priscilla did a great job of giving a description of our heavenly father, but you can click on the following link to get another description: (You really should watch this!) So, when you're having a bad day and it seems that this world is out to get you, go to the mirror and ask yourself, "who's your daddy?". Then remember, He is Lord of Lord and King of Kings.

2. The word "established" is the same word used in Psalm 119:90 to talk about how the Lord established the earth or founded the earth. That's means God establishes you with His mighty power.

3. The Philistines heard that David had been anointed.

4. The Anointing is "a divine empowerment or a divine enablement to accomplish God's purpose for your life".

5. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, the anointing of God rests on your life. What an awesome thing! As His child, I am anointed!!! See 2 Peter 1:3 and 1 John 2:27

6. The anointing guarantees opposition. In 1 Chronicles 14:8 it says that ALL came up against David when they found out he was appointed. It's the same with us. Satan doesn't want us to succeed for Christ and we will have opposition. But, we've got a big Daddy to call on!

7. David's first mission as king was to bring back the ark of God, which represented the presence of God. Exodus 25 states that God would be where the ark was. David wanted God at the center of everything! We need God at the center of everything!

8. Personally bringing back the ark of God means setting up the presence of God as the central focal point of every day decisions you make. Wow! Think about this! What if we were to include God on every decision we make. What if we were to unleash His Mighty Power on our lives in this way by following Him in every decision?!?!?

Post your thoughts on these comments or email me and I'll post them for you. (

Because He died for me,

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