Thursday, November 13, 2008

In all things!!!

Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose.

I got an email from my friend Jennifer this morning that moved me to tears. Jennifer and her husband are adopting a precious girl from China, and in the process have met other families that are adopting from China. Jennifer's email to me this morning said that one of the families she has met is in China now, but was not able to pick up the little girl they had planned to adopt because she had much more physical/mental issues than what was disclosed to them. It broke their hearts to have to have to stop the adoption. I can't imagine their disappointment. The family going through this does love the Lord, and is trusting Him for their future.

Wow! Sometimes I wonder how things can work out for the good. As Dean and I have been experiencing a season of hardship, sometimes it's hard to see outside the flames when you are in the middle of the fire. I have to tell you, I've found myself more focused on the flames, than what is on the outside of the flames. You see, on the outside of the flames is healing, wisdom, love, friendship, and life. But in the flames are problems, disease, struggles, and even death. I realized this morning God doesn't want us to focus on the ugly flames, but yet to focus on His plan for us. His plan for those that love Him is good. Not maybe good, or hopefully good, but good. He is at work even when we can't see it or don't feel it.

If there is one thing I want to focus on in the months to come, it is to believe more of what the scriptures say instead of believing what Satan is trying to tell me. God does have great things planned for me. God does work IN ALL THINGS for the good of those that love Him. God will add all things that I need if I seek Him first. I'm confident in that, and I really need to speak it and claim it. His Word says it and I'm believing Him!!

That family in China is going through some big flames right about now. But God know more than even Paul Harvey knows. God indeed knows the rest of the story...and it is GOOD!!

To see more on the family I'm speaking about, go to their blog at

1 comment:

Katie Penfield said...

What a comfort it is to know that when you walk through the flames you have been purified like gold and that much closer to the holy walk we have been called to in Christ! Love you Stephanie and wanted to let you know you're in my prayers!

Katie G.