1. I am thankful for hair color. I am so thankful that at 45 years of age I don't have to show the world I have a head full of grey hair.
2. I am thankful for being able to drive to and from work in my car by myself. This is precious quite time for me. Sometimes you just have to be alone for life to be sweet.
3. I am thankful for coffee. It is one cup of coffee and a few Bible verses each morning that make me a delightful person most days. (I said MOST days for those that see me everyday. I realize that some days I should have had more than 1 cup and more scripture, but I usually figure that out a little too late.)
4. I am thankful for my family. Even when I do not like them I always love them. AND THEY LOVE ME BACK! Go figure!
5. I am thankful for my church. I've been a member there for 17 years and as far as I know they have never considered kicking me out. AND, they actually gave me a job.
6. I am thankful for my home state of Mississippi. It is because of Mississippi that I know the finer things in life like country music, grits, sweet tea, and cornbread dressing.
7. I am also thankful for Texas. I wasn't born here, but I got here as quick as I could. God Bless Texas!
8. I am thankful for God's grace to me. There is not enough room on the internet for me to list all the reasons I need God's grace. Trust me. I need a bunch of it!
9. I am thankful for animals. Isn't life more fun with animals! (And more costly - life is more costly with animals - said the mom that has a horse lover in her household. Pray for me!) But I'm thankful!
10. I am thankful for my Bible. Tell me that the stories of Jesus don't blow your hair back.
11. I am thankful for the friends I study the Bible with. Those women laugh and cry with me all the time.
12. I am thankful for school teachers. I do not home school my children and, for the love of Pete, that is the best thing for my children.
What will you thank God for this week?
Lord, saying thanks doesn't truly express my heartfelt gratitude. You are an amazing God and I love you. With a thankful heart ~ Amen.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.
Psalm 100:4 (NIV)