Today is my birthday and let me say for the record I am already feeling LOVED! I woke up to my husband singing to me. Then my sweet kids came down stairs and loved on me. Then I was given all sorts of presents. And as I type this message, my phone keeps beeping to notify me of all the comments on my Facebook page. Wow! Life is good and I feel so LOVED!
Yesterday my Bible study group talked about love, so today as all these LOVE acts and messages keep pouring in, I can't help but think about the meaning of love. 1 John 4:8 says that "God is love". Think about that. God's very nature is love. He is and does everything out of love. He loves us. Each of us. He didn't send His Son to die for all of! He sent His Son to die for EACH of us. I praise Him for that amazing act of love. I will live with Him for eternity and death has lost it's sting for me because He chose to love me. Wow! Amazing! It's amazing because I DON'T DESERVE IT! None of us do!
We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19) When we love others it's because of the love God has put in their heart. Isn't that cool!?!?! Without God's love for us, we wouldn't have the ability to love anyone else. Can you imagine a world like that? Sometimes I get a glimpse of that when I see people that don't know our God of Love and prefer to live a hateful life. It saddens my heart that they can't see the amazing Love of our Creator and Savior! But the good news is that we can show them God's love. John 13:35 says that we will be known as Christians by our LOVE for others.
So, today as I celebrate my 41st (yes....well into my 40's now but I hear that 40 is the new 30! HA!) as I get a mani, pedi, massage, and facial I will think about God's love for me and praise Him. And when I am celebrating with my family tonight I will look for God loving me through them.
Lord, thanks for your gift of LOVE! I am so grateful that you would love someone like me enough to send your Son to die for me. So today, on my birthday, I celebrate YOU AND YOUR LOVE! You are the reason I am loved at all. Thank you Jesus! ~ Amen