Friday, August 6, 2010

God Speaks Through Email!

It happened again. God winked at me. I get chills down my spine when it happens. I simply love hearing from the Lord and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that He was speaking directly to me or thinking of me. I mean, who wouldn't love that?!?!?! I am convenienced that He speaks to us all the time, but we are just not good listeners.

Let me back up a little bit and tell you some details. Yesterday I did some typical stuff, including calling a business supply place here in town to have them deliver some new toner to my office. The gentleman I spoke with is the same one I've spoken to in the past, although I've never met him face to face. It's strictly a business relationship and he doesn't know me very well. He placed my order and said he would email me my receipt. He did that and I replied to the email with a simple "thank you".

Then I headed to Bible study. At Bible study I shared with the ladies that I would be having surgery later this month, and that I was a little anxious about it. I know they will pray for me. I know I'm not supposed to be anxious about anything and I should just pray about it, but I struggle in this area sometimes. Plus, I like being in control and going under anesthesia is not being in control!!!!! (-:

After wrapping up Bible study I head to my car and see that I have another email from the office supply guy. When I opened it I just sank in my seat. It might have been an earthy person doing the typing, but it was certainly an email from the Lord and not just from the office supply person. The email read as follows:

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

That's all it said. Nothing from the guy that wrote it. Just that verse. Now, I'm not sure what prompted this guy that I don't really know to send this to me other than the LORD Himself wanted to remind me of His faithfulness! I mean, the office supply guy had no way of knowing what I was anxious about or thinking about personally. Only my God could do something like this.

Has God spoken to you recently? Maybe He's trying to speak to you and you just aren't listening.

Also, has God been prompting you to say something encouraging to someone? Why don't you just let God work through you and send an email to the person He has placed on your mind. Let God write the email for you.

Lord, thank you for speaking to me through Your Word, other people, and through emails. You simply amaze me. Thanks for loving me and thanks for your promise of hope and a future for me.